May 10, 2008

New nephew!!!

Baby Seth is here, and he is so cute and precious. It's kind of fun having a boy in the family. It's sad, but I think I understand boys better than girls...oh well. :) We spent some time over at Emily and Joel's on Tues night. I got to hold the baby, ate some good food, and watched American Idol. Sorry to you Jason Castro fans, but he was terrible.

Here are some pics of our new nephew:

It looks like I'm a natural, but you should feel my heart rate :)

He's so sweet!!!

Andrew...picture face without even trying...c'mon!!!

We look forward to the wonderful things that God has in store for him, and we especially look forward to watching Ella interact with him. :)

On a side note, I've been sort of absentee from the blog lately. Mostly due to a combination of work and school, which has made for a very stressful past few months. The good news...I'm getting a new position at work, and Microbiology is over!! God is doing some great things, and I'm just trying to wait for His timing...sometimes easier said than done.

Another side anyone watching Survivor!?! This season has been awesome...blind-side after blind-side!! I can't wait for the finale tomorrow!!


Jessie said...

I am watching Survivor :) This has been a GREAT season! What was that ice cream scooper thinking????

Jessie said...

Oh, I forgot to say that your new nephew is precious!

Another Texas Family said...

The girls on Survivor are vicious this season. Seriously, who falls for that? Stupid boys!

Becca Phillips said...

hey! long time no see! isn't seth the sweetest? I had no idea you guys were family with the skaggs! What is the connection. YAY survivor...silly erik!

Emily said...

Oh he so cute and so little!! I bet you're such a good aunt. :)

Andrew and Liz said...

Emily is my little sister by 18 mos.! -Andrew

A is for Audrey said...

ok, finally!!!!
where the heck have you been, girl?? ;)

you look so great holding seffy. i met him last nite and fell in love.

good to hear from ya. check in every once in a while so i don't have to worry!

Gina said...

Hey Liz - I have your ski clothes, Nicole Danner gave them to me. Need to drop them by soon. Get to meet lil Seth Friday, can't wait. Miss you guys, love you.

Amanda said...

LIz!! I miss you!! You look like a pro holding sweet Seth!!