December 18, 2007

More dental drama...

I went to see my dentist yesterday to finish the root canal, prep the crown, and replace the cracked filling...see post on 12/11/07. After sitting in the chair for 2 hours with fists, drills, latex, and suctions all in my mouth, he says he can't complete the root canal because it's "calcified". Seriously?? Seriously!! Instead, I need to go see an endodontic specialist so that he can finish the root canal, because he has more experience in this area. Are you freaking kidding me?? I really know how my patients feel now...this process is exhausting and expensive.

So, for the third time in 2 weeks, I will be having a root canal on the same tooth tomorrow morning. After that, I head back to my regular, apparently non-specialized dentist to complete the crown. Then, I go back to my orthodontist to have him put my lower brackets and wire back on those teeth. Sheesh, this is never-ending. I'm such a regular that I have my own "laughing gas" mask in my purse to take with me to these appointments...that stuff really is good times!! :)


Anonymous said...

you know babe, at least the guy is admitting his incompetence instead of thinking, "I bet I can figure this thing out, I'm going for it!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I bet Drew can appreciate the admittance (see blog "fork in vice/thrown across Texas Avenue."

For real though. I really feel for you. Hang in there and it will all be over with soon. If you need a milkshake, then gives us a call and I will have Hayley drive down there a deliver it personally. She is sweet like that.

We're praying for you.

Rob and Leah said...

I'm so sorry! I like Andrew's comment--I guess that's the bright side.

Emily said...

Oh my goodness, you poor thing! I can't imagine. You are a real trooper. Andrew's comment made me laugh too.

Anonymous said...

Hallo. My name is Steven Stevens and I wish to exchange service with you. Please if you don't mind send me 3000 dollars U.S. in Western Union and I will have a dentist who can fix your problem for cheap. The actual cost is only 500 dollars U.S. You send me the extra as a security deposit. After completion of work I will send you verified U.S. money order back.
Please hurry! Our agreement can only be held for so long as there are others in line.
Thank you and I look forward to business with you.

Aurea Robillard said...

Well, it is better that he told you that and didn't take chances on doing something to your teeth that he isn't capable of. At least, you got your beautiful smile back after those trips to the dentist.