October 20, 2007

Can't believe I did it!

Yep, I did it. I never thought I would because at first I was o.k. without it. I went ahead and took the plunge. I got a yard crew to do our yard! Whoever said you can't buy time was WRONG! I did today and will every weekend until the spring. I love to cut grass, but hate picking up leaves, remember?.. I woke up this morning and stepped outside, opened the garage door to start what would take me 3 or so hours of finding my driveway and grass again and thought, "Its 60 degrees and clear and I have to do THIS,--this is criminal!". -- It would have been if I'd have stuck around and done it, so instead I jumped in the truck, drove down our street and found the first lawn crew I came across. I asked them if they wanted more work, they did, and followed me to the house to survey the job. I showed them around, told them what I wanted and they gave me a bid that was so cheap I didn't have the heart to negotiate it. They were two guys, Beto and Enrique. Beto didn't speak much English, mostly just smiled alot, but Enrique did, although his voice sounded like a 12 year old and he appeared to be in his 40s. Comical. It was around 9 or 10 in the morning and they smelled like they had been drinking already...??? Rascals. Oh well, they did a great job for a fair price and if they show back up next weekend I will be setup nicely.
I went for a bike ride in the nice weather with a smile on my face. Money well spent.


Beck said...

Dude, great idea. I love mowing the lawn too but for some reason, when it comes time to do it, I am always complaining about it. Hope you had a great ride.

Joel said...

The beginning of the end. :)