January 5, 2008

Grreat in '08!!

O8's going to be great! .......I can just feel it.

No particular New Year's resolutions.. Just being a better me and having more fun, creating more margin in my life and investing more in my important relationships. That should do it.

Anyone want a free Aussie shep?

I'll even throw in free shipping...


Andrew and Liz said...

Not sure what Kronk has to do with a new year, but "cheese, me no likey."

And, if Abby only knew how you've thrown her under the bus on our blog...twice!!...she'd quit being "daddy's girl".

Beck said...

Poor Abbey. We will take if the shipping is really free.

Emily said...

Free shipping to India? She's precious! ;)

The Wells Family said...

we'll take that poor doggie. she's already made our mark in our bedroom - so she could be right at home :)

Anonymous said...

My name is William Williams and I am intrasted in your dog. I am willing to pay for delivery service. Can you please tell me if this meets your demands? If so I will send you a Money Order from Western Union after I see a tracking number to my address that I will give to you. PLEASE HURRY, there are others in line and I need to know!
Thank you very much,
Jonathan John.

Anonymous said...

Something within me is deeply moved by the depth of your deep thoughts.